Release notes: Aware 2.2.2

Last modified: Friday July 24, 2020.

Learn about new features and any issues found in testing for the Aware software 2.2.2 .

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About this release

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The Aware software provides the features for your Alta video security systems.

Table 1 – Software release details

Release label Release date Software build number
Aware video management system software
version 2.2.2
(Released to the Stable Upgrade channel)
June 25, 2020 Aware: 200624_06480

What's new

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This release includes the Avigilon Alta Aware video management system 2.2.0 software. In this release, Aware provides the following features:

Table 2 – New features — Aware video management system software release

Feature Description Added in
Apply privacy masks to your Avigilon Ava cameras

For your Avigilon Ava cameras, you can now create privacy masks so that areas in the view of your device do not show or record any video, or have any analytics running in the defined areas.

See How to: Define privacy areas for Ava cameras

Aware 2.2.1
New Counts permissions

You can now configure the Roles for your users to include permissions for using Counts.

See How to: Create and edit Roles

Aware 2.2.1
Locate your camera serial numbers

When they are installed, it is often difficult to see the serial numbers for your Avigilon Alta or third-party cameras. Aware now reports the camera serial numbers in the Devices tool.

See How to: Find camera information

Aware 2.2.1
Gunshot detection (Beta feature for testing only)

To gather feedback on the gunshot detection, this feature has been released for beta testing only.

Aware 2.2.1
GET HTTP method added to webhooks

You can now use the GET HTTP method when configuring webhooks to send notifications to third-party applications.

See How to: Create webhooks to send Aware notifications

Aware 2.1.3
Audio snippets for Avigilon Ava cameras alarms

You can now choose to record short snippets of audio at the point of each sound detection, and to download and listen to these snippets.

Cameras for Alta Aware
How to: Set Alta camera settings locally
How to: Create rules for sound detection

Aware 2.1.3
Improvements to panoramic views

The default view in Video view and Map view now features improved dewarping and the ability to zoom in and pan around the field of view of panoramic cameras.

See How to: Set your preferred panoramic view

Aware 2.1.3
Manual device stream configuration

When third-party cameras do not give the correct stream configurations as requested by Aware, you can now manually specify stream requirements.

See How to: Improve video streams from problematic cameras

Aware 2.1.3
Set loitering time in rules

When setting up a loitering rule, you can now configure the time an object has to be present before the rule triggers.

See How to: Create rules for loitering

Aware 2.1.3
Anomaly detection settings

This release gives more visibility and control over the anomaly detections from each camera.

See How to: Configure anomaly settings for your cameras

Aware 2.1.3
Setting default routes

For Ava Appliances that use multiple network interfaces, you can now define which interfaces to use for packet routing.

Aware 2.1.3
User creation and management improvements

You can now lock and unlock user accounts, and have new options for enforcing password changes using different methods.

See How to: Manage Aware user access

Aware 2.0.1
Loud noise detections added

Augmenting the existing glass break detections, you can now configure rules to detect unspecified loud noises.

See How to: Create rules for sound detection

Aware 2.0.1
Upgrade multiple Avigilon Ava cameras

When you have Avigilon Ava cameras connected to your Aware video management system, you are notified when a new version of the Avigilon Ava cameras software is released. Clicking the notification banner opens a dialog that enables you to select the Avigilon Ava cameras to upgrade.

See How to: Upgrade your Ava cameras from Aware

Aware 2.0.1
Encrypted upgrade packages

Software upgrade packages for Aware are now encrypted by Avigilon Alta, to ensure that they cannot be altered before being installed.

Aware 2.0.1
Ability to export video clips from more tools in Aware

Aware already lets you export video clips from the Video view and Map view tools; now you can export video from the Devices, the Alarms and from the Search preview tools.

See How to: Export video clips from Aware

Aware 2.0.1
HDR and IR controls for Avigilon Ava cameras

This release incorporates support for the Avigilon Ava cameras HDR and IR settings, embedded in the Aware user interface.

See How to: Adjust camera video parameters from Aware

Aware 2.0.1
Counting rules

Create rules that trigger on Count areas, to gain intelligence about the physical areas you monitor, and to receive notifications when your pre-defined criteria are met.Aware

See How to: Create rules for Counts

Aware 1.5
Bookmark video clips and edit shared links

Bookmark video that needs further analysis, or that needs to be brought to the attention of your colleagues. You can also edit any links that you have shared with others, and Administrator users can monitor and if needed, delete shared links.

About: Saved Clips tool
How to: Bookmark video clips
How to: Edit Saved Clips

Aware 1.5
View estimates of the storage used in your Ava Appliances, and the storage used by each camera

Monitor the total storage used across your Server groups, and the storage used by each camera.

Aware 1.5
Disable inactive channels on encoders or multisource devices

When using an encoder or multisensor device, you might want to disable one or more channels.

See How to: Disable inactive channels of encoders or multisource devices

Aware 1.5
Add Fire alarm pull station icons to Map view

In Map view, the available informational icons have been expanded to include Fire alarm pull stations.

See How to: Link your site maps and add extra information markers

Aware 1.5
Objects in view counting

Building on the basic object counting (available from Aware 1.2), Live object counting counts all the people and vehicle objects in the view of a camera, or in the view of selected groups of cameras.

See: How to: Create live counts of objects in view

Aware 1.4
Line crossing counting

Configure areas with line crossing rules, to count the number of people entering and leaving areas.

See: How to: Create counts of objects that cross a line

Aware 1.4
Download count information as .csv

Download the count information from either your Objects in view counts or Line crossing counts as comma separated variable files.

See: How to: Download historic object count information

Aware 1.4
Carry out quick searches from Video view and Map view

You can now search for objects directly from the Video view or Map view tools.

See: How to: Quick search from Video view,
How to: Quick search from Map view

Aware 1.4
Avigilon Ava cameras installation To install Avigilon Ava cameras, you do not need to preconfigure credentials. Aware 1.4
Configure Advanced Field of View cones in Map view

To improve the accuracy of object placement in Map view, configure Advanced Field of View for your cameras.

See: How to: Set camera fields of view

Aware 1.4
Search for audio detections

Search for audio detections that have been logged by Aware.

See: How to: Search for audio detections from Avigilon Ava cameras

Aware 1.4
Automatic updates for Aware

Configure automatic updates for your Aware video management system.

Aware 1.4
Backup and Restore Aware from vcloud

Backup your Aware configurations to vcloud. When needed, select the appropriate backup to restore to Aware.

Aware 1.4
Select the upgrade channel for each Avigilon Ava cameras device

Choose whether to upgrade a specific Avigilon Ava camera from the Stable upgrade channel, or from the Beta upgrade channel.

See: How to: Select the Ava camera upgrade channel

Aware 1.4
Audio support for Avigilon Ava cameras

The Avigilon Ava cameras range of devices include audio analytics and detection. This release adds support in Aware for Audio Rules, showing the audio events on Map view.

The microphones are part of the cover of the Avigilon Ava cameras; if the cover is not correctly fitted, the Avigilon Ava camera cannot receive or process audio.

See: How to: Create rules for sound detection

Aware 1.3
Improvements to timelines

The visual design and work-flows for the timelines have been updated.

See: How to: View live video or play back recorded video

Aware 1.3
Link to Avigilon Alta docs added to the Aware user interface

You can now link directly from the Aware user interface to the Avigilon Alta docs documentation portal.

You are routed to the correct documentation portal; either the main portal if your Aware is on the stable track, or to if your Aware is on the beta track.

We recommend that you only use the Beta upgrade channel for test systems. All productions systems must be on the Stable upgrade channel.

Aware 1.3
Supportability improvements To enable the Support team to better support your Avigilon Alta products, improvements have been made the log files created by Aware, including adding timestamps to the log bundles, and introducing variable packet capture (pcap) capture lengths. Aware 1.3
Updates to the line-crossing algorithm

To improve the accuracy of the line-crossing detection, changes have been made to the algorithm used for these detections.

See: About: How Aware detects line-crossing events
How to: Create rules for line-crossing, and
How to: Search for line-crossing

Aware 1.3
Enhancements to the Video view

This release combines the live and playback features into a single pane.

You can also now choose to view bounding boxes on objects (people, and/or vehicles) detected by the Avigilon Alta analytics, and display a count of people and vehicles.

See: How to: View live video or play back recorded video,
How to: Enable additional information in Video view, and
How to: Enable basic object counting in Video view

Aware 1.3
Option to delete data for a camera

The ability to delete the data from a specific camera, perhaps in response to a privacy compromise or a breach of regulations, has been added into the Aware software.

See How to: Delete recordings from a camera

Aware 1.3
Improvements to the Alarms tool

The way that the Alarms tool handles long lists has been improved. Additionally, you can now use advanced search to more easily find specific alarms.

See:About: Alarms tool
How to: Review Alarms created by Aware

Aware 1.3
Support for webhooks

Aware 1.2 introduces the ability to configure webhooks to enable Aware to sent alerts using the communication or messaging tools of your choice.

See: How to: Create webhooks to send Aware notifications

Aware 1.3
Tools to enable a camera to be easily swapped

In the event of a camera failing, Aware now includes options to replace the camera, synchronize the video from the original camera, and to add the new camera on the Video view and Map view.

See: How to: Swap out a broken camera in Aware

Aware 1.3
Area masking for analytics

You can now define areas of a view where analytics should not be run.

See: How to: Define areas without analytics

Aware 1.3
Visual indication for upgrade status When upgrading the Aware software, you are now shown a progress indicator so you can monitor the progress of the downloading and installing of the Aware upgrade package. Aware 1.3
Map view now includes a timeline Aware now includes a timeline on Map view. Aware 1.3
Improved logging features This release includes improvements to the way information about the health of your Aware video management system and your cameras are collected. Aware 1.3
User permissions

This release introduces fine-grained access permissions, so that you can define roles and decide which permissions are assigned to each role.

Using this feature, you can now define access on a per-site basis.

See: About: Users tool

Aware 1.1
Assign roles to sites or camera groups

From this release, you can apply a specific role to a group of users for specific sites or camera groups. This enables you, for example, to create an administrator role just for devices within a single office or region.

See: About: Users tool

Aware 1.1
Improved Aware logging

Error logging has been improved so that more information useful in diagnosing issues is captured in the log files.

Aware 1.1
Improved NTP settings

You can now configure multiple NTP servers for use by your Avigilon Alta clusters, server groups, and servers.

Aware 1.1
Improvements to Map view

You can now use Map view to track vehicles in the field of view of your cameras.

The choices of icons you want displayed on Map view has also improved.

See: How to: View additional information on your Map view

Aware 1.1
Improved search options

This release includes improvements to the search bar used in the Devices tool, and Video view. These search bars now include a filter option enabling you to search for detailed information, for example, the Manufacturer, or the IP address of a camera.

See: About: Devices tool

Aware 1.1
Improved user interface feedback for camera stream and analytics

If Aware does not receive suitable video streams from the cameras connected to it, the analytics might be degraded or not available. This release provides better feedback to users in this situation.

See: About: Aware Video stream requirements

Aware 1.1
Video stream rotation

To maintain compatibility with the widest possible number of third-party cameras, Aware can now rotate the video being supplied from the camera, to ensure the correct image orientation when displayed in Video view.

See: How to: Adjust camera video parameters from Aware

Aware 1.1
Avigilon Ava camera support

This Aware release includes features to upgrade the camera software from Aware. You can also use the manual and auto-focus controls in Aware to change the Avigilon Ava camera focus.

See: About: Devices tool

Aware 1.0
Clustering of Ava Appliances

Create clusters of Ava Appliances that work together to provide multi-site coverage.

Aware 1.0
First time experience See important information about the Alta video security systems the first time you log into Aware. Aware 1.0
Retention period improvements The settings to enable you to better configure how your video is stored and retained have been improved. Aware 1.0
New Firmware available notifications Administrator users are notified when new versions of the Aware firmware are available. Aware 1.0
Camera credentials improvements You can now add notes to each set of camera credentials. Aware 1.0
Digitally-signed exports When you export video and metadata, the files are digitally-signed (watermarked) so that you can prove they have not been tampered with. Aware 1.0
Encryption of exported files When you export video or metadata, or send links to recorded video, you can choose to apply AES-256 encryption so that only those authorized can view the recordings. Aware 1.0
Secure LDAP Use secure LDAP when importing users using your LDAP servers. Aware 1.0

Resolved issues

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These issues have been resolved:

Table 3 – Resolved issues

Reference Resolution Resolved in

A vulnerability has been resolved in the Avigilon Ava camera software.

Aware 2.2.2
5236 An issue where, from the Video view, you could not export video using the .ava format has been resolved. Aware 2.2.1
5233 An issue where the requested resolution did not correctly change when using the digital PTZ controls has been resolved. Aware 2.2.1
5230 An issue where the object counting stopped working and the downloaded .csv file had empty entries has been resolved. Aware 2.2.1
5201 An issue where, in some clustered systems when adding a device into its own device group caused the device to be added in an error state has been resolved. Aware 2.2.1
4675 An issue where users were automatically logged out of Aware every 24 hours has been resolved. Aware 2.2.1
Avigilon Alta—267 A vulnerability has been resolved in the Aware software. Aware 2.2.1
5071 An issue where you could not view the timeline for cameras added to another cluster node has been resolved. Aware 2.2.1
4946 An issue where you could not acknowledge alarms from cameras added to another cluster node has been resolved. Aware 2.2.1

An issue where, when using the zoomed dewarp features on panoramic cameras, and then pinning the camera in Video view while in the dewarped state showed the dewarped view incorrectly has been resolved.

Aware 2.2.1
4779 An issue where any backups taken before an Ava Appliance was factory reset could not be restored after the factory reset has been resolved.  
4764 An issue where, in clustered deployments, the anomaly settings could only be altered for devices connected to the node you logged into has been resolved.  
4404 An issue where you could not export a counts .csv file across an Ava Appliance cluster link has been resolved.  
4215 An issue where, if you created a count rule on a system that included clustered Ava Appliances, the rule, when triggered showed as ongoing on all appliances even after being acknowledged or viewed has been resolved.  
3467 An issue where, if you saved a video view, but did not make it public at that time, you were unable to later edit the settings has been resolved.
4359 An issue where, when a Loud noise rule triggered, in Map view the directional sound detection icon was not correctly displays has been resolved.
4288 An issue where, in some rare circumstances, the communications between the individual Ava Appliances in a cluster were repeatedly sent, which caused high bandwidth usage and impacted features that required inter-Aware communications has been resolved.
2477, 4372 An issue where, if you had configured several Ava Appliances as a cluster, pop-up notifications that should have appeared for each cluster node were only shown on the master appliance has been resolved.
4713 An issue where the Aware first-time setup wizard (seen when configuring a new server, or following a factory-reset) caused an error that prevented you from creating a new user has been resolved. Aware 2.0.2
4558 An issue where the Aware timelines displayed hatchings to indicate that no video was recorded, even when recordings were available has been resolved. Aware 2.0.1
4528 An issue where you could not download the backup file when using the vcloud gateway to store backups for your Aware has been resolved. Aware 2.0.1
4481 An issue where the group camera permissions get forgotten when rebooting Aware has been resolved. Aware 2.0.1
4438 An issue where Aware could not get video from a 2N Verso Intercom camera has been resolved. Aware 2.0.1
4398 An issue where you could not download the Counts .csv file when using the vcloud gateway to access your Aware has been resolved. Aware 2.0.1
4138 An issue where the second stream from some cameras (including Vivotek FD8162 cameras) was being cropped has been resolved. Aware 2.0.1
4104 An issue where, after carrying out a factory reset, Aware incorrectly calculated the available storage has been resolved. Aware 2.0.1
Avigilon Alta—262 A vulnerability has been resolved in the Aware software. Aware 1.5.2
4178 An issue where operators with some modified Roles observed a User Interface loop with multiple errors when sharing bookmarks has been resolved. Aware 1.5.1
4175 An issue where attempting to upgrade Aware from version 1.2 to version 1.5 sometimes failed has been resolved. Aware 1.5.1
4184 An issue where you could not create a shared link, resulting in a spinner and error being displayed, has been resolved. Aware 1.5.1
4143 An issue where, if you set the Shared link Disable date, and then edited the date you'd set, the system defaulted back to the original date has been resolved. Aware 1.5.1
4139 An issue where passwords were not correctly converted from ASCII to Unicode, causing passwords with certain characters to fail, has been resolved. Aware 1.5.1
4133 An issue where the Field of View button in the Map view Information Layers dialog did not toggle the Field of View cones on the maps on and off has been resolved. Aware 1.5.1
4132 An issue where the count summary for vehicles was incorrectly displayed in the 123 Counts | Line crossing side pane has been resolved. Aware 1.5.1
4066, 4082 Issues where, irrespective of permissions and roles assigned to a user, all users could see the Export icon has been resolved. Aware 1.5.1
3888 An issue where Alarms show as ongoing, even after being acknowledged and dismissed, has been resolved. Aware 1.5.1
Avigilon Alta—260 A vulnerability has been resolved in the Aware software. Aware 1.5.1
4020 An issue where Automatic SW update did not always update your Ava Appliance has been resolved. Aware 1.5
3784 An issue where, if an object of interest was located near the edge of the video pane, you could not select the object to carry out a quick search has been resolved. Aware 1.5
3398 An issue where you could move the only Administrator user into an user group with only Operator roles has been resolved. Aware 1.5
3753 An issue where, when configuring line crossing counts, if the line was drawn to the edge of the camera view, the line sometimes disappeared when you attempted to edit the line position has been resolved. Aware 1.5
3286 An issue where, when configuring Count areas, adding a second camera resulted in the camera being misaligned has been resolved. Aware 1.5
Avigilon Alta—257 A vulnerability has been resolved in the Aware software. Aware 1.4.2
Avigilon Alta—254

A vulnerability has been resolved in the Aware and vcloud software.

Aware 1.4.1
3240 An issue where deleting cameras from Aware was not reflected in Map viewhas been resolved. Aware 1.4
2662 An issue where the Aware user interface repeatedly warned about degraded analytics being detected has been resolved. Aware 1.4
2316 An issue where Aware was limited to only maintaining a list of the last 100 alarms and events has now been resolved. The user interface now shows results in a paged layout. Aware 1.3
2818 An issue where, when viewing Video view, if you moved to another browser tab and then returned to the Aware tab, all thumbnail views froze, and no video was displayed has now been resolved. Aware 1.1.1
2768 An issue where renaming a map in Map view caused all the cameras to appear to be removed from the map until you manually refreshed the browser has been resolved. Aware 1.1.1
2736 An issue where users could not log in to Aware after having their details synchronized using LDAP over TLS (LDAPS) has been resolved. Aware 1.1
2584 An issue where Aware intermittently lost connection to the Avigilon Alta remote access vcloud service has been resolved. Aware 1.1
2537 An issue where existing Map view thumbnails were displayed in low resolution after upgrading the software from Aware Beta 3 to Aware 1.0 has been resolved. Aware 1.1
2526 Issues where temporary stream conditions from some third-party cameras caused Aware to incorrectly report warnings even though analytics were functioning correctly have been resolved. Aware 1.1

2404, 2582

An issue where, if you attempted to export or link less than four camera views, the export or link did not work has been resolved. Aware 1.1
2499 An issue where Aware incorrectly calculated time based on UTC rather than local time has been resolved. Aware 1.1
2259 An issue where, when playing back video from some higher resolution cameras, the video intermittently stopped, paused, and then start playing again has been improved. Aware 1.1
1320 An issue where, after setting a new hostname, a restart was required, but there were no notifications in the user interface, has now been resolved. Aware 1.1
2547 An issue where, on upgrading from Aware Beta 2 to Aware 1.0 RC1 without first upgrading to Aware Beta 3, resulted in you being unable to view Devices or to view or search video due to the user permissions being incorrectly updated, has been resolved. Aware 1.0
2500 An issue where, when using the Date & Time setting in Rules, the time was incorrectly set has been resolved. Aware 1.0

Known issues

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During testing, we have found the following issues in these releases.

These software versions have been extensively tested on the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, using the Chrome browser.

Table 4 – Known issues — Aware video management system

Reference Issue

Issue: When exporting from Video view, if you have adjusted the timeline on one of the panes in Video view, an incorrect time-range is selected for the exported video. Also, the first pane is always selected, even if you have disabled it.

Workaround: Disable the Sync export timeframes option, and then re-enable it to resynchronize the time ranges.

5324 Issue: When enabled, bounding boxes for People or Vehicles persist for some time after the detected object leaves the frame. This could lead to loitering rules triggering incorrectly and false information being displayed in Map view and Counts.
5189 Issue: When adding devices to Aware, if you enable Ignore communication errors and add devices anyway, the device is not added correctly.

Issue: When applying a privacy mask to the view of a Avigilon Ava cameras device, the Avigilon Ava cameras does not take into account the rotation of the camera. This means that if the camera view is rotated from the Avigilon Ava cameras software after a privacy mask is applied, the mask is not reoriented.

Workaround: To rotate the image after applying a privacy mask, use the controls in the AwareDevices tool.

4859 Issue: Currently, you can create counting areas that span multiple sites. This might create an excessive load on your servers, as the count has to potentially poll all of your servers each time it assembles the latest count information.

Issue: In a clustered setup, if you edit any device settings from an Ava Appliance other than the one to which the device is connected, you cannot immediately see the changes.

Workaround: Refresh the screen to see the updated information.


Issue: In some circumstances, when viewing the Aware user interface, users are being logged out of the interface.

Workaround: Logging back into the Aware user interface enables the user to continue with their tasks.

4668 Issue: When attempting to replace a camera in Aware, any attempt to change the device credentials are not correctly actioned.
4513 Issue: If you configure a counting area using multiple sources from the same camera, or multiple sources from an encoder, Aware currently shows all counts as being from a single source.

Issue: When trying to view too complex a Video view layout on a PC with insufficient hardware specification, a significant delay in live video may be experienced. This situation is exasperated when using cameras that provide fewer than three concurrent video streams, as higher than optimum resolutions and frame rates are then used for the viewing live video.

Workaround: Using PCs with higher hardware specifications (especially with better GPUs) reduces the delay experienced. Also, simplifying the Video view layout, and using a 2nd PC to display some of the Video views will further reduce the delays.


Issue: In clustered Ava Appliance installations, you cannot currently export video from a camera connected to a node other than the one you are currently logged into.

Workaround: Log into the Ava Appliance node that includes the connected camera, before exporting the required video.

4113 Issue: If an object in a camera view is already being tracked when a counting rule becomes active, that object is not included in the rule count.
3748 Issue: On occasion, the Avigilon Alta analytics might briefly detect a single object as multiple objects. If this situation occurs near a line crossing count, the count could trigger on the erroneous multiple objects, leading to an incorrect count being shown.
3708 Issue: When carrying out similarity searches, if you have many results and add and remove thumbnails, the user interface can become unresponsive, with spinner icons displayed instead of video.
3646 Issue: On somethird-party PTZ cameras, Avigilon Alta Aware does not recognize and calibrate the zoom features.
266 Issue: In clustered Ava Appliance installations, you cannot export video from secondary clustered nodes.
General Issue: If third-party cameras do not support the multiple streams or the GOP profiles required by the Avigilon Alta Aware video management system, these incompatibilities might impact the accuracy of the Avigilon Alta analytics.