Release notes: Avigilon Ava cameras 1.3.1

Last modified: Friday July 24, 2020.

Learn about new features, fixes and any issues found in testing for the Avigilon Ava cameras software.

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About this release

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This software forms part of the Avigilon Alta Avigilon Ava camera releases.

Table 1 – Software release details

Release label Release date Software build number
Avigilon Ava cameras software version 1.3.1
(Released to the Stable Upgrade channels)
July 15, 2020

Dome: 20200715_08775

360: 20200715_08776

This release of the Avigilon Ava cameras software should be used in-conjunction with the released versions (2.3.0 or later) of the Aware video management system.

What's new

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This release includes the new features for the on-board camera software for the Avigilon Ava cameras. See Cameras for Alta Aware and our for more information about the Avigilon Alta range of cameras.

Table 2 – New features — Avigilon Ava camera software release

Feature Description Added in
Cloud connections This release contains features for the upcoming cloud connected camera beta trial. Avigilon Ava cameras 1.3.1
Improvements to the autofocus and focusing settings and user interface for the Dome camera

The user interface for setting the focus on Dome cameras has been improved. The manual focus slider is now calibrated from 0-100, making it easier to quickly select suitable focus values.

See How to: Set Alta camera settings locally

Avigilon Ava cameras 1.3.0
Avigilon Ava cameras software now displays the software version friendly name, in a similar manner to the Aware software Avigilon Ava cameras software builds are now shown in the Avigilon Ava cameras software using a friendly name (for example, Avigilon Ava cameras 1.3.0), rather than the 14-digit build number. Avigilon Ava cameras 1.3.0
Display network status information

From the Network & Services page of the Avigilon Ava cameras user interface, you can now view information about the Network status.

See How to: Set Alta camera Network & Services settings locally

Avigilon Ava cameras 1.3.0
Ability to disable SSH on vcam devices

You can now disable SSH access to your Avigilon Ava cameras.

See How to: Set Alta camera Network & Services settings locally

Avigilon Ava cameras 1.3.0

Resolved issues

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These issues have been resolved:

Table 3 – Resolved issues

Reference Resolution Resolved in
Ava—272 A vulnerability has been resolved in Avigilon Ava cameras. Avigilon Ava cameras 1.3.0
5508 An issue where toggling HDR mode would remove any configured privacy masking has been resolved. Avigilon Ava cameras 1.3.0

Known issues

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During testing, we have found the following issues in these releases.

These software versions have been extensively tested on the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, using the Chrome browser.

Table 4 – Known issues — Avigilon Ava camera software

Reference Issue

Issue: The storing of audio from the Avigilon Ava cameras microphone arrays is enabled.

Workaround: You can disable the recording and storing of audio for the Avigilon Ava cameras. See How to: Set Alta camera settings locally for details.


Issue: Attempting to upgrade your Avigilon Ava camera by manually installing a local copy of the upgrade package leads to the upgrade being unsuccessful and the "This file is too big" error notice being displayed.

Workaround: Upgrade your Avigilon Ava cameras using the automatic prompts from within Aware, or by using the Firmware upgrade options in the Aware Devices | Settings pane.


Issue: In the current Avigilon Ava cameras software, under some lighting conditions Avigilon Ava cameras that have HDR enabled might display excessive visible noise.

Workaround: Disable HDR if this symptom is observed.

3779 Issue: By design, Avigilon Ava cameras ship without default credentials. For versions of Aware prior to Aware 1.4, if you do not manually configure a username and password during the camera installation, you cannot add the Avigilon Ava camera to Aware.
Workaround: Either ensure that Aware is at version 1.4 or later, or manually add a username and password to your Avigilon Ava camera and use these credentials when connecting to Aware. See How to: Set Alta camera system settings locally

Issue: If you repeatedly use the Avigilon Ava cameras auto-focus feature, either from the Avigilon Ava camera software, or from the Aware video management system user interfaces, the focus achieved might be blurred.

Workaround: If auto-focus is not functioning correctly, using the manual focus slider resets the focus.

2930 Issue: When upgrading the software on your Avigilon Ava cameras, the Aware video management system reports a video error, rather than that the device is being upgraded.
2910 Issue: On occasion, Avigilon Ava cameras enter IR mode too early.

Issue: If you manually change the IP address of your Dome camera, you are not given any warnings that this will break contact with the camera, and you are not redirected to the new address.

Workaround: After changing the IP address of your camera, manually browse to the new IP address after the camera has rebooted.