Create a notification rule

Last modified: Monday June 26, 2023.

You can configure notification rules in DMP to send email alerts or trigger webhooks when selected notifications occur in the deployments managed by your organization.

  1. Click the Notifications icon notifications icon.
  2. Select Notification rules.
  3. Click add new notification rule.
  4. Enter a name for the rule.
  5. Select the Notification Types that trigger the rule. The issues for each category are:
    • Device (cameras): Communication problem, unstable connection, video data error, authentication error, video encryption error, camera analytics error, low storage, camera offline.
    • Cloud connector: Connector offline, connector disk error, connector disk space issue.
    • Software: Camera update available, server update available.
  6. Select which Deployments use the new rule.
  7. Choose When and select the time and date ranges when the rule is active.
    1. To define a time template, choose the required time and date ranges and select Time templates > Save as template.
    2. To edit your time templates, select Time templates > Manage templates.
    3. To delete a time template, select Time templates > Manage templates. Select the required template and click remove template button Remove.
  8. To send an email alert when the rule is triggered, choose Actions and select Email:
    • Select the recipients of the email. Choose individual users or user groups from the dropdown or enable All users to email all members of your organization.
    • Enter the subject and body for the email. Select Show included info and template parameters to view a list of notification text codes. Add these codes to the body text of your email to add specific information about the triggering notification. For example, “The $rulename notification was triggered at $start_time”.
  9. To send a webhook when the rule is triggered, choose Actions and select Webhook:
  10. Choose Done to activate the rule.

Edit a notification rule in DMP

  1. Click the Notifications icon notifications icon.
  2. Choose Notification rules.
  3. Select the rule you want to edit.
  4. From the expanded summary, choose to edit, delete, enable, or disable the selected rule.