How to: Review bookmarked clips on cloud-native cameras

Last modified: Tuesday May 14, 2024.

Storing large amounts of bookmarked data on your Avigilon cloud-native cameras can reduce the camera storage to below the cameras' purchased retention period.

As enough clips are saved so that they start impacting the retention period of the camera, a warning is triggered, opening a dialog with all the bookmarked clips being shown that relate to that camera. Alternatively, you can manually open the dialog for any cloud-native camera that has saved clips.


You can only view the list of saved clips on cloud-native cameras, where there is at least one saved clip

Task — Create the System issues rule

  1. Choose Tools Open a tool > Devices Devices.
  2. Select the Avigilon cloud-native caemra of interest.
  3. From the right-hand pane, select Detailed information.
  4. If the value of Saved Clips is above zero, the value is shown in blue.
  5. Click the value to open the Review saved clips dialog.
  6. Click Manage clips to open the Saved clips tab, where you can view the saved clips and delete any unwanted footage to free up storage space.